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Show your recents posts in marquee(scrolling text)

Now you can display your recent posts in marquee. I am sure that it is actually a better way to attract your readers to read your other posts. Here is a simple tutorial on how to show your recent posts in marquee. Log into Blogger. On the Dashboard, click on the “Layout” option. This will

Add Recent Posts widget in your blog

One of the way to encourage your visitors/readers to read  your posts is by showing off a recent posts widget in your blog. Archives widgets is actually available in Blogger to show your recent and previous posts. But, many bloggers are getting bored with it. In this post, I’ll outline some alternative methods to display

What is the difference between widgets and gadgets?

When I starting blogging,  I was totally confused with Gadgets and Widgets. I was wondering what is the difference between gadgets and widgets? I started “Google-ing” it to find out the truth. Several sites that I visited were using the word “widgets” and some other sites used “gadgets”. Making my confusion worse. Finally, I found