CSS3 Theme is a free HTML5 and CSS3 theme which was originally designed by Jesper from jayj.dk. I’ve converted it into Blogger template. Although the original theme uses HTML5 fully, I’ve just used some of HTML5 features { eg: navigation menu[nav], sidebar[aside] } in this Blogger version of it. Here are some features of this
Easiest way to embed custom CSS styles to your WordPress posts
Sometimes, you will have to use certain unique styles for specific posts in WordPress blogs. Of course, you can add it to main Stylesheet or embed the CSS styles into the posts itself. But, by doing that you’re basically littering your stylesheet with unnecessary customizations! Here is a simple way of adding custom CSS to
CSS3 Box Shadow effect
Previously, I wrote a tutorial on creating rounded corners with the aid of CSS3. Today’s tutorial is on another great effect that can be achieved using a CSS3 property, box-shadow. This box-shadow property enables you to apply one or more drop-shadow effect to a box. And again, this effect is only supported in Firefox, Safari,
Uniqx Free Premium Blogger Template
Today, I’m releasing another free premium blogger template, Uniqx. Uniqx is a free premium blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners, footer columns, custom fonts and abstract.
Evening Walk Blogger Template
Evening Walk is a free blogger template with 2 columns, right sidebar and comes with a classic look. It is a simple and excellent template for personal blogs. This template is cross-browser compatible.
Pro Simplo Blogger Template
Today, I’m releasing the first Blogger template that I’ve created after moving to Bloggerbits, “Pro Simplo“. It is a 2-column, clean, three-column footer, blue-yellow template. I’ve used custom Web font, “Chunk” from Kernest.com for the post titles. Sadly, some of the CSS3 features like the rounded corners and text shadow effects are not visible in
14 Beautiful Minimalist Design Blogger Templates
Minimalist design blogger templates are becoming new trend lately as Bloggers nowadays started to understand the basic premise of blogging, a simple online diary or web log. This type of templates contains very few colours, limited graphics and hence giving more priority to the contents/text. You’ll find a collection of 14 clean, simple, minimal Blogger
How to create rounded corners with CSS3?
This tutorial is on creating rounded corners effect with the aid of CSS3. This effect is achieved using “border-radius” property and really saves our time which was wasted in creating round-edged border images in Photoshop and then being used in web designs. As I said in my previous post, this effect is only visible in
CSS3 tutorials starting this week
I have no words to describe how am I amazed with CSS3. CSS3 definitely has revolutionized the designing world. With CSS3, we can create brilliant web effects without using images, Javascripts and also Flash for them. For example: rounded corners, box shadows, text shadow, Web fonts, gradients, RGBA, rotate, skew, animations, multi-column layout and a
30 stunning Blogger blog designs for your inspiration
Nowadays, we can spectate the birth of lot of Blogger blogs with great designs which are truly amazing and incomparable. It’s because, customizing blogger blogs is now easier than ever with user-friendly template codes and availability of uncountable designing tutorials in the web. Although there are thousands of astonishing blogger templates, yet some bloggers tend