30 stunning Blogger blog designs for your inspiration

Nowadays, we can spectate the birth of lot of Blogger blogs with great designs which are truly amazing and incomparable. It’s because, customizing blogger blogs is now easier than ever with user-friendly template codes and availability of uncountable designing tutorials in the web.

Although there are thousands of astonishing blogger templates, yet some bloggers tend to design stunning blogger templates for their blogs to make their blog unique and distinguishable apart from others. Here, I managed to create a compilation of 30 hand-picked fresh Blogger blog designs which would really inspire you to create your own.

1. Techolo

2. Blogbulk

3. Nymphont

4. Leblogger

5. The Media Guru

6. Deluxe Templates

7. Chethstudios

8. Blogger Skinz

9. Poemaciones

10. Bil e Bia

11. EriSada


13. Packaging of the World

14. Creactiva

15. PA Blog

16. Zixpk

17. The Hermitage

18. Templates Block

19. Quinto Elemento

20. Filigrana

21. Forgotten Bookmarks

22. João Alvarenga

23. João Alvarenga

24. Blogger Tuts

25. Love Sick UFO

26. Widgets For Free

27. Cuatrotintas

28. Твиттер ковёр

29. Opus Independents

30. Noyod


15 Replies to “30 stunning Blogger blog designs for your inspiration”

  1. Great designs!! Thank you very much for including EriSada in that list, it’s amazing!! They are all incredible. I feel very, very honored, and humbled, between so many great blogs! 😀
    Ana Laura recently posted..Chicken pie

  2. I know I’m really late but thank you for including me in this list. It’s a great honor to be alongside so many great blogs, I’ve never imagined that anyone would find “Lovesick UFO”, you really did a thorough search. Congratulations and thanks again.

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